Conventional acupuncture involves the use of single use, pre sterilised disposable needles which are placed in certain acupuncture points on the body.  A number of needles may be used and treatment lasts 10 – 30 minutes.


How does Acupuncture work?

Acupuncture is used to treat pain and inflammation. It works by enhancing the body’s own healing chemicals to aid in recovery from soft tissue trauma. It also enhances stimulation of the brain and spinal cord to produce naturally occurring pain relieving chemicals such as endorphins. The other effects of acupuncture include the release of melatonin to promote sleep and serotonin to promote well being.

Acupuncture is based on the concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which is an ancient system of written scripts dating as far back as 1000BC, founded on the holistic concept of treatment that given the correct stimulus, the body has the ability to return to its balanced state of health.

Is Acupuncture effective?

There is robust scientific evidence to demonstrate that pain relief from acupuncture is due to the release of endorphins into the body; the release of these chemicals have a powerful and sustained effect on reducing muscular skeletal pain. Most patients report a gradual change in symptoms after 1-3 treatments.

What conditions can Acupuncture be used for?

  •   acute injuries such as whiplash and sports injuries
  •   spinal pain such as acute and chronic back pain, neck pain and headaches
  •   osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  •   stress related illness

Will Acupuncture work for me?

Acupuncture does not work for everybody or every condition but it often provides relief where other more conventional fields have tried and failed. The effect of acupuncture is cumulative with pain relief building up as treatment progresses. Chronic conditions can often take longer to respond and sometimes can be initially worse but then often respond well after an initial stage of discomfort.


Is Acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is safe when practiced within strict hygiene guidelines and carried out by qualified professionals and by a member of The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP).  Being a member of the AACP  requires strict training requirements and ongoing clinical education in order to remain registered.

Have you got a question or do you need to talk to us?

If you would prefer to talk to us before making an appointment you can request that we call you back at a suitable date and time